입학안내 사이트맵

Graduate School of Semiconductors


교육부가 지원하는 조기취업형 계약학과 반도체대학원(G-반도체공정설비학과)은
반도체 관련/소재/부품/장비 회사에 석사학위로 취업하여 기업의 수요맞춤형 전문인력을 양성하는 과정입니다.


  • 전공스마트산업학부,평생KIUM학부
  • 담당과목2차원/3차원 CAD, 기계안전공학, 인간공학의 이해 등
  • 최종학력고려대학교 기계공학부 공학박사 / 기계안전기술사
  • 관심분야산업안전, 미세유체기술
  • 연락처053-600-5724
  • 이메일ckim@kiu.kr
  • 연구실06-215
  • 홈페이지


SCIESingle-Layered Microfluidic Network-Based Combinatorial Dilution for Standard Simplex Lattice Design

Micromachines, 2018

논문Droplet-based Microfluidics for Making Uniform-sized Cellular Spheroids in Alginate Beads with Encapsulated Cell Number

Biochip Journal, 2015

SCIEIdentification of drugs as single agents or in combination to prevent carcinoma dissemination in a microfluidic 3D environment

Oncotarget, 2015

SCIEDroplet-based microfluidics for making uniform-sized cellular spheroids in alginate beads with the regulation of encapsulated cell number

BioChip Journal, 2015

SCIA quantitative microfluidic angiogenesis screen for studying anti-angiogenic therapeutic drugs

Lab on a Chip, 2014

SCIA microfluidic manifold with a single pump system to generate highly mono-disperse alginate beads for cell encapsulation

Biomicrofluidics, 2014

SCIEMicrofluidic device for continuous observation of cellular behaviors in specialized core-shell microcapsules

BioChip Journal, 2014

SCIEComplementary effects of ciclopirox olamine, a prolylhydroxylase inhibitor and sphingosine 1-phosphate on fibroblasts and endothelial cells in driving capillary sprouting

Integrative Biology, 2013

SCIGravity-oriented microfluidic device for uniform and massive cell spheroid formation

Biomicrofluidics, 2012

국제저서Microfluidic Devices for Angiogenesis in \"Mechanical and Chemical Signaling in Angiogenesis


SCIStable hydrodynamic trapping of hydrogel beads for on-chip differentiation analysis of encapsulated stem cells

Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 2012

SCIOn-chip anticancer drug test of regular tumor spheroids formed in microwells by a distributive microchannel network

Lab on a Chip, 2012

SCIIn vitro angiogenesis assay for the study of cell-encapsulation therapy

Lab on a Chip, 2012

SCIEIntegrating Focal Adhesion Dynamics, Cytoskeleton Remodeling, and Actin Motor Activity for Predicting Cell Migration on 3D Curved Surfaces of Extracellular Matrix

Integrative Biology, 2012

SCIDensity-dependent separation of encapsulated cells in a microfluidic channel by using a standing surface acoustic wave

Biomicrofluidics, 2012

SCIA Novel Microfluidic Platform for High-Resolution Imaging of a Three-Dimensional Cell Culture under a Controlled Hypoxic Environment

Lab on a Chip, 2012

국제학술대회발표논문A new in vivo-mimic angiogenesis microfluidic platform for the study of cell encapsulation based cell therapy

The 15th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, 2011

국제학술대회발표논문Single-layer microfluidic network-based combinatorial dilution for a standard Simplex-Lattice combinatorial design

The 15th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, 2011

국제학술대회발표논문Micorfluidic manifold system to reduce the number of syringe pumps in muti-phase systems for generating alginate beads

The 15th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, 2011

SCIEMicrofluidic concentration-on-demand combinatorial dilutions

Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, 2011

SCI3-Dimensional cell culture for on-chip differentiation of stem cells in embryoid body

Lab on a Chip, 2011

국내특허용액을 연속적으로 희석하는 미세채널 및 희석방법

특허청, 2011

SCIGeneration of core-shell microcapsules with three-dimensional focusing device for efficient formation of cell spheroid

Lab on a Chip, 2010

국제학술대회발표논문Microfluidic network-based combinatorial dilution device with an initial concentration controller

The 14th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, 2010

국내학술대회발표논문Core-shell microcapsules and the trap for continues observations of the cell behaviors using magnetic forces

The 12th Korean MEMS Conference, 2010

국내특허마이크로캡슐 제조 장치 및 방법

특허청, 2010

SCIEMicrofluidic network-based combinatorial dilution device for high throughput screening and optimization

Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, 2010

SCIE2-layer based microfluidic concentration generator by hybrid serial and volumetric dilutions

Biomedical Microdevices, 2010

국제학술대회발표논문Pipeptte-based alginate bead trap for 3D cell culture perfused by serially diluted chemicals

The 13th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, 2009

SCIFabrication of Round Channel Using Surface Tension of PDMS and its Application to 3D Serpentine Mixer

Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 2009

국제학술대회발표논문Double layer based micro fluidic dilution generator for drug screening

The 5th International Conference on Microtechnologies in Medicine and Biology, 2009

국제학술대회발표논문Microfluidic Network based Micro-reactor Platforms for Biological Assay

Nanotechnology in biology and Medicine, the 2nd Integrated Nanostructured Systems (INS) Workshop, 2009

국제학술대회발표논문2-layer based microfluidic dilution generator for drug screening

The 13th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, 2009

SCIEDedifferentiated chondrocyte culture using alginate microbead prepared from microfluidic technique

Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine, 2009

SCIRapid exchange of oil-phase in microencapsulation chip to enhance cell viability

Lab on a Chip, 2009

SCIEHydrodynamically Focused Particle Filtration Using An Island Structure

BioChip Journal, 2009

SCIGeoneralized serial dilution module for monotonic and arbitrary Microfluidic gradient generators

Lab on a Chip, 2009

SCIRapid microfluidic separation of magnetic beads through dielectrophoresis and magnetophoresis

Electrophoresis, 2009

국제학술대회발표논문Novel Microfluidic chip generating mono-disperse core-shell microcapsules

The 15th international Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems, 2009

국제학술대회발표논문Microfluidic network based combinatorial device for high throughput screening and optimization

The 13th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, 2009

국제학술대회발표논문Uniform embryonid bodies of precipitated stem cells with the control of flow rate in micro well

The 13th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, 2009

국내특허중력과 자기력의 차이를 이용한 생물학적 입자 분리 장치 및 방법

특허청, 2008

국제학술대회발표논문The viability enhancement of encapsulated cells in alginate beads using hydrodynamic removal of toxic oleic acid

The 12th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, 2008

SCIA serial dilution microfluidic device using ladder network generating logarithmic or linear concentrations

Lab on a Chip, 2008

SCISingle-cell assay on CD-like lab chip using centrifugal massive single-cell trap

Sensors and Actuators A:Physical, 2008

국제학술대회발표논문Massive formation of uniform-sized embryonid bodies in alginate with the regulation of encapsulated cell number

The 12th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, 2008

SCIMulti-well chip for forming a uniform embryoid in a tiny droplet with mouse embryonic stem cells

Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry, 2007

국내학술대회발표논문Fabrication and characterization of magnetic bead capsules for multiple cell sorting

The 9th Korean MEMS conference 2007, 2007

국내학술대회발표논문Microencapsulation and embryonic body formation of embryonic stem cells using two-phase microfluidic chip

The 9th Korean MEMS conference 2007, 2007

국제학술대회발표논문Fabrication and Characterization of Magnetic Alginate Bead Carriers for Multiple Sorting of Cells or Multiplexed Immunoassay

The 11th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, 2007

국제학술대회발표논문The serial dilution chip for cytotoxycity and cell differenciation test II

The 20th IEEE International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems, 2007

국제학술대회발표논문Three dimensional perfusion culture of encapsulated embryonic stem cells in microfluidic chip

The 14th international Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems, 2007

국제학술대회발표논문Serial dilution chips for arbitrary concentration profile and application for cytotoxycity test

The 11th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, 2007

SCIEDroplet-based immunomagnetic cll separation

BioChip Journal, 2007

국내학술대회발표논문Fabrication of a micro mixer using surface tension and the application for cell separator

The 8th Korean MEMS conference 2006, 2006

국내학술대회발표논문Encapsulation of mouse stem cell in alingate bead by microfluidic chip

The 8th Korean MEMS conference 2006, 2006

국내특허줄기세포로부터 배아체를 형성 및 성장시키는 방법 및 장치

특허청, 2006

국내특허표면장력을 이용한 미세관 제작 방법 및 그 미세관

특허청, 2006

SCIUsing the chorions of fertilized zebrafish eggs as a biomaterial for the attachment and differentiation of mouse stem cells

Langmuir, 2005

국제학술대회발표논문Characterization of rounded cross-section microchannels fabricated by using of surface tension

Proceeding of the international Sensors Conference, 2005


내역 기관명 기간
첨단스마트센서거점센터 구축사업 운영위원회 경북IT융합산업기술원 2017.11.16-2019.07.31
첨단스마트센서 거점센터 구축사업 제1차 운영위원회 경북IT융합산업기술원 2017.11.16-2017.11.16
기술자문 및 지적재산권 확보지원 수혜기업 선정 평가위원회 평가위원 대구테크노파크 2017.10.18-2017.10.18
인프라 연계 기술사업화 수행기업 재점검 첨단정보통신융합산업기술원 2017.04.25-2017.04.25
인프라 연계 기술사업화 수행기업 중간점검 첨단정보통신융합산업기술원 2017.03.29-2017.03.29
인프라 연계 기술사업화 최종결과평가 첨단정보통신융합산업기술원 2017.03.17-2017.03.17
2017년 인프라 연계 기술사업화 지원시업 선정평가 첨단정보통신융합산업기술원 2017.03.15-2017.03.15
2017년 인프라 연계 기술사업화 지원기업선정을 위한 선정평가 첨단정보통신융합산업기술원 2017.03.08-2017.03.08
지역주력산업육성 기업지원사업 수혜기업 선정평가 대구첨단의료진흥재단 2017.02.24-2017.02.24
의료기기 제품테스트 지원사업 평가 3D 융합기술지원센터 2016.12.23-2016.12.23
인프라 연계 기술사업화 지원대상 선정평가 3D 융합기술지원센터 2016.12.20-2016.12.20
의료기기 판로개척을 위한 전시회지원사업 평가위원회 대구테크노파크 2016.09.07-2016.09.07
인프라연계기술사업화 선정평가 대구테크노파크 2016.08.10-2016.08.10
천단의료기기지원센터지원사업 현장실태조사 한국산업기술평가관리원 2016.07.21-2016.07.21
첨단연구장비경쟁력향상사업 현장실태조사 한국산업기술평가관리원 2016.05.23-2016.05.23
산업통상자원부 『산업기술혁신사업』의 연구기획, 사업의 평가 및 관리 한국산업기술평가관리원 2016.03.23-2017.01.11
IT헬스케이기기 분과 전문가활동 대구테크노파크 2016.01.10-2016.12.31
의료기기 글로벌 비지니스 역량강화사업 평가위원 대구테크노파크 2015.12.16-2015.12.16
IOT 기반 헬스케어 플랫폼 발전전략 수립 용역업체 선정 대구테크노파크 2015.10.06-2015.10.06
장비도입심의위원회 (재)구미전자정보기술원 2015.09.09-2015.09.09
(재)구미전자정보기술원 장비도입심의위원회 (재)구미전자정보기술원 2015.07.28-2016.08.31
자체장비도입심의위원회 (재)구미전자정보기술원 2015.07.28-2015.07.28
IT헬스케어기기 분과 전문가 활동위원 대구테크노파크 2015.01.01-2015.12.31
지역 의료기기 C2P네트워킹사업 대구테크노파크 2014.06.01-2015.01.07
박사후 연구원 MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) 2012.01.30 ~ 2013.08.25
박사후 연구원 SMART (Singapore-MIT Alliance for Research and Technology) 2010.02.18 ~ 2012.01.20
박사후 연구원 KIST (Korea Institute of Science and Technology) 2009.09.01 ~ 2010.02.06