입학안내 사이트맵

Graduate School of Semiconductors


교육부가 지원하는 조기취업형 계약학과 반도체대학원(G-반도체공정설비학과)은
반도체 관련/소재/부품/장비 회사에 석사학위로 취업하여 기업의 수요맞춤형 전문인력을 양성하는 과정입니다.


  • 전공경찰학과,스포츠융합학부,KIU스포츠단 수영
  • 담당과목운동학습 및 발달, 스포츠심리학, 스포츠코칭론, 스포츠멘탈코칭
  • 최종학력Texas A&M University Ph. D
  • 관심분야Motor Neuroscience, tDCS, TMS, fNIRS, Bimanual coordination, Sport & Exercise Psychology, Motor learning & control
  • 연락처053-600-5654
  • 이메일pic2pac@kiu.ac.kr
  • 연구실03-116
  • 홈페이지


SCIEffects of stepping-in-place tempo and type of roundhouse kick on coincidence-anticipation timing in Taekwondo

International Journal of Performance Analysis in Sport, 2022년3월

SCIExamining the effect of transcranial direct current stimulation on the dominant motor cortex in the indirect measurement of physical ability

Journal of men's health, 2022

KCI박인천. (2021). 한국형 스포츠 통증 파국화 척도의 타당성 검증. 체육과학연구, 32(2), 307-321.

체육과학연구, 2021

국제학술발표Buchanan, J. J., Park, I., & McCulloch, A. T. (2020, August). Time-Scale of Consolidation for Motor and Spatial Representations of a Bimanual Action. In JOURNAL OF SPORT & EXERCISE PSYCHOLOGY (Vol. 42, pp. S29-S30). 1607 N MARKET ST, PO BOX 5076, CHAMPAIGN, IL 61820-2200 USA: HUMAN KINETICS PUBL INC.

, 2020

국제학술발표Jing, C., McCulloch, A., Park, I., Buchanan, J. J., Kim, T., & Wright, D. L. (2017, June). The role of primary motor cortex on consolidation during motor sequence learning. In JOURNAL OF SPORT & EXERCISE PSYCHOLOGY (Vol. 39, pp. S120-S120). 1607 N MARKET ST, PO BOX 5076, CHAMPAIGN, IL 61820-2200 USA: HUMAN KINETICS PUBL INC.

, 2017

국제학술발표Park, I., & Buchanan, J. J. (2017, June). Off-line consolidation in learning a novel bimanual coordination skill. In JOURNAL OF SPORT & EXERCISE PSYCHOLOGY (Vol. 39, pp. S164-S165). 1607 N MARKET ST, PO BOX 5076, CHAMPAIGN, IL 61820-2200 USA: HUMAN KINETICS PUBL INC.

, 2017

국제학술발표Park, I., Buchanan, J. J., Wright, D., Mehta, R., Rhee, J., & Verwey, W. B. (2016). Monitoring-pressure enhances the coordination tendencies of bimanual actions. Journal of sport and exercise psychology, 38(S1), S97-S97.

, 2016

국제학술발표Buchanan, J. J., Park, I., Jing, C., & Wright, D. L. (2016, June). Proactive influences in the coordination dynamics of bimanual patterns. In JOURNAL OF SPORT & EXERCISE PSYCHOLOGY (Vol. 38, pp. S48-S48). 1607 N MARKET ST, PO BOX 5076, CHAMPAIGN, IL 61820-2200 USA: HUMAN KINETICS PUBL INC.

, 2016

SCIBuchanan, J. J., Park, I., Chen, J., Mehta, R. K., McCulloch, A., Rhee, J., & Wright, D. L. (2018). Expert monitoring and verbal feedback as sources of performance pressure. Acta Psychologica, 186, 39-46.


SCIBuchanan, J. J., & Park, I. (2017). Observation and physical practice: different practice contexts lead to similar outcomes for the acquisition of kinematic information. Psychological research, 81(1), 83-98.


SCIBuchanan, J. J., Park, I., Chen, J., Wright, D. L., & Mehta, R. K. (2017). Bimanual coordination patterns are stabilized under monitoring-pressure. Experimental Brain Research, 235(6), 1909-1918.


SCIMcCulloch, A. T., Park, I., Wright, D. L., & Buchanan, J. J. (2021). Off-line learning in a rhythmic bimanual task: early feedback dependency is reduced over wakefulness. Psychological Research, 85(4), 1503-1514.


SCIPark, I., & Buchanan, J. J. (2018). Motor skill learning and the development of visual perception processes supporting action identification. journal of motor behavior, 50(5), 566-578.


KCI김영숙, & 박인천. (2019). 양궁선수들이 지각하는 경기력 관련 강점 요인. 한국스포츠심리학회지, 30(3), 31-44.


SCIKim, Y., Chang, T., & Park, I. (2019). Visual scanning behavior and attention strategies for shooting among expert versus collegiate Korean archers. Perceptual and motor skills, 126(3), 530-545.


SCIKim, Y., & Park, I. (2020). “Coach Really Knew What I Needed and Understood Me Well as a Person”: Effective Communication Acts in Coach?Athlete Interactions among Korean Olympic Archers. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(9), 3101.


SCIPark, I., Kim, Y., & Kim, S. K. (2020). Athlete-specific neural strategies under pressure: a fnirs pilot study. International journal of environmental research and public health, 17(22), 8464.


KCI김영숙, 하은주, & 박인천. (2020). 양궁선수들이 지각하는 경기에서 코치 의사소통의 질적탐색. 코칭능력개발지, 22(1), 45-55.


SCIPark, I., Buchanan, J. J., McCulloch, A. T., Chen, J., & Wright, D. L. (2020). Motor and spatial representations of action: corticospinal excitability in M1 after training with a bimanual skill. Experimental Brain Research, 238(5), 1191-1202.


KCI김영숙, 윤서진, 박인천, & 송용관. (2020). 시합에서 다른 사람들이 나를 어떻게 평가할까 걱정돼요: 스포츠 자기-제시 질문지의 구조적 타당성 검증. 한국여성체육학회지, 34(2), 49-63.


KCIKim, Y., & Park, I. (2020). The application of strength-based positive psychology program for elite archers. Korean Journal of Sport Science, 31(3), 534-546.


KCI최승실, 김영숙, & 박인천. (2020). 양궁선수들의 실패내성과 자기효능감의 관계. 코칭능력개발지, 22(4), 15-23.



내역 기관명 기간
체육과학연구 편집위원 한국스포츠정책과학원 2023.01.01-
International Journal of Applied Sports Science editor 한국스포츠정책과학원 2023.01.01-
한국스포츠심리학회 이사 한국스포츠심리학회 2022.06.01
Reviewer Asian Journal of Sports and Exercise Psychology 2021. 04 -
스포츠과학과 연구조교수 서울과학기술대학교 2020.08.01-2022.02.28
Reviewer International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology 2020.08.01 -
International Journal of Applied Sports Science Reviewer 한국스포츠정책과학원 2019.01 -
체육과학연구 논문심사위원 한국스포츠정책과학원 2019.01 -
한국스포츠심리학회지 논문심사위원 한국스포츠심리학회 2018.12.01 -
스포츠과학실 초빙 연구원 한국스포츠정책과학원 2018.04.01-2020.07.31
Graduate teaching assistant Texas A&M University 2013.09.01-2017.08.31