입학안내 사이트맵

Graduate School of Semiconductors


교육부가 지원하는 조기취업형 계약학과 반도체대학원(G-반도체공정설비학과)은
반도체 관련/소재/부품/장비 회사에 석사학위로 취업하여 기업의 수요맞춤형 전문인력을 양성하는 과정입니다.


  • 전공건축토목공학과
  • 담당과목건축구조역학, 철근콘크리트구조, 스마트건축구조, 스마트안전진단과보강공법
  • 최종학력고려대학교 건축사회환경공학과 건축구조 공학박사
  • 관심분야신(新)구조재료, Off-site Construction
  • 연락처053-600-5435
  • 이메일jryu@kiu.kr
  • 연구실09-412
  • 홈페이지


SCIECurrent and New Approaches to Predict the Deflections of One-Way Flexural Members with a Focus on Composite Steel Deck Slabs Voided by Circular Tubes

Materials, 2021

SCIEExperimental investigation on displacement amplification mechanism of steel wire rope-pulley damping systems with viscous damper

Engineering Structures, 2021

SCIEFire Design Equation for Steel-Polymer Composite Floors in Thermal Fields Via Finite Element Analysis

Materials, 2020

SCIEModified Low-Cycle Fatigue Estimation Using Machine Learning for Radius-Cut Coke-Shaped Metallic Damper Subjected to Cyclic Loading

International Journal of Steel Structures, 2020

SCIEFire Resistance of Hybrid Floor Based on Small-Scale Furnace Tests and Energy-Based Time Equivalent Approach

International Journal of Steel Structures, 2020

SCIECyclic Loading Performance of Radius-Cut Double Coke-Shaped Strip Dampers

Materials, 2020

SCIEFlexural behavior of prestressed sandwich plate system composite beams

Engineering Structures, 2020

SCIEExperimental study on bearing behavior of glass fiber steel composite plates (GSPs) for bolted connections

Engineering Structures, 2019

SCIEExperimental analysis of one-way composite steel deck slabs voided by circular paper tubes: Shear strength and moment?shear interaction

Engineering Structures, 2019

SCIEExperimental and numerical investigations of steel-polymer hybrid floor panels subjected to three-point bending

Engineering Structures, 2018

SCIEImproving seismic performance of non-ductile reinforced concrete frames through the combined behavior of friction and metallic dampers

Engineering Structures, 2018

SCIEUnified Space?Time Finite Element Methods for Dissipative Continua Dynamics

International Journal of Applied Mechanics, 2017

SCIEShear Resistance of a Biaxial Hollow Composite Floor System with GFRP Plates

Journal of Structural Engineering, 2017

SCIEFriction between a new low-steel composite material and milled steel for SAFE Dampers

Engineering Structures, 2016

SCIENumerical and experimental analysis of combined behavior of sheartype friction damper and non-uniform strip damper for multi-level seismic protection

Engineering Structures, 2016

SCIEBending capacity of glass fibre steel composite plate (GSP) reinforced composite slab

Materials Research Innovations, 2013

SCIEBending capacities of glass fibre reinforced plastic composite slab

Materials Research Innovations, 2013

SCIEFinite element analysis of concrete filled tube column to flat plate slab joint

Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 2013


내역 기관명 기간
조교수 경일대학교 2022.09.19.-현재
모듈러팀 DfMA그룹 프로 삼성물산 건설부문 2022.01.16.-2022.09.15.
연구소장(부장) (주)테크스퀘어 2019.01.01-2022.01.14.
Research Scholar The University of Texas at Austin 2017.02.01-2018.12.31.
연구교수(Post-Doc) 고려대학교 2014.09.01-2017.01.31.
석박사통합과정 (박사학위 취득) 고려대학교 2008.09.01-2014.08.25.