입학안내 사이트맵

Graduate School of Semiconductors


교육부가 지원하는 조기취업형 계약학과 반도체대학원(G-반도체공정설비학과)은
반도체 관련/소재/부품/장비 회사에 석사학위로 취업하여 기업의 수요맞춤형 전문인력을 양성하는 과정입니다.


  • 전공간호학과
  • 담당과목성인간호학/간호학개론/약리학
  • 최종학력서울대학교 간호학 박사
  • 관심분야성인간호/간호교육/시뮬레이션
  • 연락처053-600-5634
  • 이메일syjang@kiu.ac.kr
  • 연구실07-302
  • 홈페이지


논문Outpatient Service Use in Korean Older Adult Women with Degenerative Arthritis Based on Andersen’s Model

Geriatrics, 2023

논문Sleep, physical activity, and sedentary behaviors as factors related to depression and health-related quality of life among older women living alone: a population-based study

European Review of Aging and Physical Activity, 2023

논문Systematic Review and Meta-analysis: Real-World Accuracy of Children’s Developmental Screening Tests

Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 2023

논문Development and application of a mobile-based multimedia nursing competency evaluation system for nursing students: A mixed-method randomized controlled study

Nurse Education in Practice, 2022

논문Development, Application, and Effectiveness of a Smart Device-based Nursing Competency Evaluation Test: A Mixed-Method Study

CIN - Computers, Informatics, Nursing, 2021

논문Comparison of Fatigue, Quality of Life, Turnover Intention, and Safety Incident Frequency between 2-Shift and 3-Shift Korean Nurses

International journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2021

논문Tablet PC-based Clinical Competency Evaluation for Nursing Students in Three Asian Countries: Cross-sectional Comparative Study

Nurse Education in Practice, 2021


내역 기관명 기간
성인간호학 실습 강사 서울대학교 간호대학 2022.03.02-2023.02.28
BK21 미래간호인재양성사업단 박사후연구원 서울대학교 간호대학 2022.03.01-2023.02.28
샤인(시뮬레이션)센터 국장 서울대학교 간호대학 2019.09.02-2021.08.31
간호사 서울대학교병원 2010.07.05-2019.09.01
간호사 효경G요양병원 2009.04.13-2010.04.16